Floor Board Repair with Sanding and Polishing

Timber Floor Board Replacement

Water Damaged Hardwood Floor

Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane recently attended this home in Fairfield that required timber floorboard repairs, followed by floor sanding and polishing. The spotted gum hardwood timber floors had suffered water damage to the floor due to waterproofing issues in the bathroom. Over time the water ingress had damaged the timber flooring. To repair the water damaged timber floor, all the affected tongue and groove flooring was removed, and then it was replaced with the same species of wood, in this case, Spotted Gum.

After the timber floor was repaired the entire downstairs floor needed floor sanding and polishing. The sanded and polished timber floor was then finished with 3 coats in a polyurethane satin timber floor finish. The water damage had also resulted in some of the timber flooring cuppings, and this required extra attention with the timber floor being re-sanded to make the floor flat. Water and timber flooring are certainly not friends, wooden floors need to maintain reasonably constant moisture content and if this is upset the results can be dramatic.

Wooden Floor Repair

Spotted Gum Floor Board Replacement

Damaged timber floors don’t always have to be hidden under carpet. A small amount of timber floorboard replacement can return an old or damaged floor into a stunning feature of your home. If you are uncertain of the potential that your old timber floor might have, Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane can take a look and inform you of what may be possible and the costs involved. For all your Brisbane Floor Sanding and Polishing services contact Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane today.

Floor sanding and timber floor repairs

Timber Floor Board Replacement with Floor Sanding And Polishing

Floor Sanding Expert
Matthew Cutts is a floor sanding expert and the dedicated team leader at Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane. With years of hands-on experience across a wide range of timber flooring projects, Matthew is known for delivering expert floor sanding and polishing services throughout Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.

One response to “Floor Board Repair with Sanding and Polishing”

  1. Cathy says:

    Thanks for sharing the information on floor sanding and polishing. That would be a great help for those who are looking for good professional floor repair work.

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