Floor Sanding & Polishing in Grand Queenslander at Highgate Hill

floor sanding Brisbane

Crows Ash Timber Floor

Recently Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane completed a very large job in a large old Queenslander in the Brisbane suburb of Highgate Hill. The owners are preparing this house for sale and the previously polished timber floors were due for re-polishing.

The predominant timber flooring in the house was the typical Hoop Pine flooring found in Queenslanders, however, there were also some interesting other wooden floors that distinguished this house. The veranda areas had crows ash timber, this timber is not often encountered, it is a rain-forest species that is rare now. It has coloration similar to the old Hoop Pine. It is a very hard timber and has an attractive appearance.

Parquetry Patterned Timber Floor

Parquetry Patterned Timber Floor

A sunroom in the home also featured two different themes of parquetry. The combination of the two parquetry patterns created a beautiful elegant feature.

The timber floors were finished in a gloss polyurethane finish, the owners wanting to create a big impression for the upcoming sale of their home with beautiful polished timber floors.

Floor Sanding Expert
Matthew Cutts is a floor sanding expert and the dedicated team leader at Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane. With years of hands-on experience across a wide range of timber flooring projects, Matthew is known for delivering expert floor sanding and polishing services throughout Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.
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