Floor Sanding and Polishing at Holland Park

timber floor sanding holland park

Nonyellowing water-based floor coating on Tasmanian Oak flooring

Floor sanding and polishing were required in this recently built Holland Park home. Budget Floor Sanding was contracted by the builder to sand and polish the wooden floor and stairs. The timber flooring used in this residence was Tasmanian Oak, it is a light-colored timber with light pink tones. The timber stairs were constructed using the same timber.

After the floor sanding, the timber was finished with 3 coats of Intergrain Enviropro 2 pack water-based floor finish. The owners chose this finish for two reasons. Firstly they wanted to maintain the light color of the Tasmanian Oak flooring as much as possible and secondly, they wanted the finish to be nonyellowing. Whilst Polyurethane coatings are very hard, they will yellow or darken over time, whereas water-based timber floor coatings are designed not to yellow with age. Inevitably the timber floor itself will still go darker with age as it is exposed to light, but the water-based non-yellowing finish will not add to this process. If coating your timber floor with a non-yellowing water-based finish sounds like an option that you may like to consider, please feel free to contact Budget Floor Sanding for more information regarding your floor coating options.

Floor Sanding Expert
Matthew Cutts is a floor sanding expert and the dedicated team leader at Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane. With years of hands-on experience across a wide range of timber flooring projects, Matthew is known for delivering expert floor sanding and polishing services throughout Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.
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