Floor Sanding & Polishing at Brisbane McWhirters Apartments

In recent years Budget Floor Sanding has done a number of apartments and common areas at McWhirters Apartments in Fortitude Valley. The two lifts in the complex have hardwood floors. Being in such a high wear situation Budget Floor Sanding has now sanded and polished these lift floors on a couple of occasions.

A number of apartment timber floors have also been sanded and polished. On a few occasions, this has become necessary due to flooding damage to the floors. This work has involved replacing sections of the damaged timber flooring and the floor sanding and polishing the floors. In the week past Budget Floor Sanding repaired damaged wooden flooring and re-polished a timber floor which was damaged due to a plumbing leak. Also, another apartment timber floor was floor sanded and polished due to damage from previous tenants.  Generally, these timber floors are finished with a water-based finish in order to limit the spreading of fumes to adjacent apartments.

Floor Sanding Expert
Matthew Cutts is a floor sanding expert and the dedicated team leader at Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane. With years of hands-on experience across a wide range of timber flooring projects, Matthew is known for delivering expert floor sanding and polishing services throughout Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.
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