Timber Floor Board Replacement at Greenslopes House

Floor sanding borer damaged floor boards

Timber floor with Borer damage

This Greenslopes Queenslander in the southern suburb of Brisbane has a typical Hoop Pine floor, often found in this style of the house. Unfortunately, the wooden floor also has some of the issues that often accompany this softwood flooring. Queensland border is a common problem resulting in both structural and unsightly damage to the floor.

The first photo shows the borer damage after the timber floor has been sanded. The wooden flooring, deemed to be unsafe is removed and other floorboards considered unsightly by the owner, are also replaced. The second photo shows the tongue and groove timber floor after the selected floorboards have now been removed from the floor. The floorboards are removed in such a fashion that the original look of the timber floor is maintained.

Timber floor renovation involving floor board replacement

Damaged timber floorboards removed from Hoop Pine Floor

In the last photo, the new timber floorboards have now been fitted into the old timber floor and the floor sanding can now be completed. During the finishing of the floor, the new lighter colored timber floorboards will be individually brushed with a timber stain to blend them in with the older existing floorboards. By the end of the job, it is often only those who know of the floorboard replacement, who can pick that there are new boards on the floor. If you are uncertain if your old damaged wooden floor can be repaired and refashioned into a stylish floor, talk to us at Budget Floor Sanding and find out what we can do for you.

Repaired borer damaged wooden floor

Wooden floor with new replacement tongue and groove floorboards ready for staining and coating.

Damaged old wood floor repairs

Sanded and Polished floor after floorboard replacement and staining.



Floor Sanding Expert
Matthew Cutts is a floor sanding expert and the dedicated team leader at Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane. With years of hands-on experience across a wide range of timber flooring projects, Matthew is known for delivering expert floor sanding and polishing services throughout Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.
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