Timber Floor Sanding and Repairs

Re-sanded Parquetry

Tasmanian Blue Gum parquetry with satin water-based finish

The owners of this old Tasmanian Blue Gum mosaic parquetry floor wanted their timber floor re-sanded and polished for a couple of reasons. Firstly they did not like the way that the old polyurethane coating had gone yellow with age and secondly re-modeling of the kitchen had exposed areas of flooring not currently laid with parquetry.

Patched timber floor

New parquetry installed where old kitchens were removed

Having sourced the correct parquetry, Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane laid the new parquetry timber to fill in the areas of flooring previously covered by an old kitchen. All of the timber floorings were then sanded to remove the old yellowed polyurethane coating. The wooden parquetry floor was then finished with three coats of Loba Water-Based satin finish. Not only will this timber floor finish NOT change colour and yellow with age, but it also finishes the floor in a lighter more natural timber colour. The low sheen satin finish produces a natural-looking appearance without the smell and chemicals associated with polyurethane finishes. You may think your old timber floors are beyond repair, but just click on the images and see what Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane can achieve for you. If your timber floors are in need of restoration, contact BFS and find out what may be possible. Repairing and renovating your old timber floors with floor sanding and polishing will showcase your beautiful natural timber floors.

Removing old yellow timber floor finish

Sanding back the old and the new timber floor

Floor sanding parquetry

Sanded parquetry floor before the water-based finish is applied


Floor Sanding Expert
Matthew Cutts is a floor sanding expert and the dedicated team leader at Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane. With years of hands-on experience across a wide range of timber flooring projects, Matthew is known for delivering expert floor sanding and polishing services throughout Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.

One response to “Timber Floor Sanding and Repairs”

  1. The owners of this old Tasmanian Blue Gum mosaic parquetry floor wanted their timber floor re-sanded and polished for a couple of reasons. You are right in choosing the best company for your sanding.

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