Blog Page 13

Floor Sanding Brisbane and polishing of Stairs

The sanding and polishing of stairs is a common job performed by Budget Floor Sanding. For a number of builders in Brisbane, the house under construction may have no other polished timber area other than the stairs. New stairs are most often protected by MDF sheeting while the house is under construction and this must

Floor Sanding and Staining of Timber Floors

Budget Floor sanding completed a large house in the Brisbane suburb of Hawthorne recently. The client who had recently purchased the house asked that the old hoop pine floorboards in this Queenslander be stained a chocolate brown color. Having received an indicative picture of the floor color desired from the client,  Budget Floor Sanding then

Why Choose Timber Floors & Floor Sanding and Polishing in Your Brisbane House Part 2

Where many other floor coverings such as carpet, lino, and ceramic tiles will wane in and out of fashion, timber floors have a timeless classic character. Timber flooring has always been popular and will always compliment other shifts in taste and style of furnishings. While timber flooring is often considered an option for those with

Why Choose Timber floors and Floors Sanding and Polishing in Your Brisbane House

Timber flooring and the floor sanding and polishing of it is often considered to be a more expensive option than the alternatives. However, while the initial costs may be more there are long-term advantages that outweigh the initial expenditure. Solid timber floors last for a very long time, up to one hundred years in fact,

The Environmental advantages of timber Flooring in Brisbane Houses

Timber floors actually store carbon. It follows then that floor sanding and polishing of timber floors have distinct environmental advantages. Up to 50% of the weight of dried timber is carbon that has been absorbed from the atmosphere by the tree as it is growing. The advantage of this of course is that the result

Licenced Floor Sander with the QBCC

Budget Floor Sanding has been operating in the Brisbane area for over 25 years. For all of this period, Budget Floor Sanding has been licensed with originally the Queensland Building Services Authority and now with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission. The license number held by Budget Floor Sanding 64351 is a much smaller number

ATFA, Australian Timber Flooring Association member

The Australian Timber Flooring Association is the peak body for timber floors and timber flooring representing floor sanding and polishing contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers nationwide. ATFA is a member-based timber flooring association that provides information and services to its members and the community. To floor sanding members the ATFA provides training programs, up to date

Floor Sanding in Brisbane’s Rental Houses

Many of the rental houses in Brisbane have polished floors. In fact, rental property managers will often prefer the hard-wearing qualities of polished floors over carpet. Polished floors are also generally preferred to carpet and an inducement to prospective tenants. Over the years Budget Floor Sanding has serviced many real estate agents, particularly in our

Floor Sanding of Timber Decks

This week has been a big week for floor sanding of decks. While the decks look great when finished it is however very important to have a maintenance schedule for decking. Unlike internal floors which will often last for many years the finish on timber decking has a much tougher life and therefore requires more

Polished Floors – Which is better Gloss or Satin ?

I am frequently asked to provide an opinion to customers as to whether they should use a gloss or satin finish when the floor sanding their timber floors. There are some circumstances which make one finish more appropriate over another, however often the choice comes down to nothing more than personal choice. Gloss obviously provides

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