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Trendy Floors – A Source of Potential Buyers Attraction

With the increase in the population, the demand for land also increases, this demand is directly proportional to the increase in the worth and value of the land. People tend to buy built and furnished homes as it is time-saving and cost-effective instead of building a new one. When it comes to selling a house,

Revitalizing Oil Harwood Floors-an Idea to Work On

Harwood Floors have a unique quality of providing an essence of serenity and charm if kept with care and maintenance. But, if unattended, the same floor will give a shabby and worn-in look, not just to a limited space but to the whole house. Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane is here to provide solutions to your

Tips to Develop Maintenance Regime for Upcoming Summers for your timber floors

Timber floors have been an epitome of beauty and serenity for centuries. They have always been the first priority when it comes to building a new house or auspicating any area. With all the positive outcomes of their installation, timber floors also require being looked after regularly. As the source of timber floors is purely

Staining New Flooring to Match Colour of Old flooring

The existing timber flooring in this house was previously polished, Cypress Pine. As part of a home renovation, the total floor area was increased by laying new pine flooring into the extension. As is often the case with new timber flooring, the wooden floorboards can be lighter in colour and this would have been obviously

Timber Floor Board Replacement and Staining

This old timber pine floor in a New Farmhouse had many timber floorboards that had been previously infected with timber borer. This often compromises the structural integrity of the timber floorboard and also renders the floorboard unpleasant in appearance. Firstly the timber floor is sanded back and any damaged floorboards are identified for replacement. The

Trades are Essential Services-We are Open for Business

Trade services REMAIN on the Governments ESSENTIAL SERVICES list during the COVID-19 crisis. No Federal- Level bans apply to Trade services and they have not been added to the restricted services list. Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane is open for business and we are ready to transform your timber floors into your home’s most outstanding feature.

Timber Floor Sanding and Repairs

The owners of this old Tasmanian Blue Gum mosaic parquetry floor wanted their timber floor re-sanded and polished for a couple of reasons. Firstly they did not like the way that the old polyurethane coating had gone yellow with age and secondly re-modeling of the kitchen had exposed areas of flooring not currently laid with

Floor Sanding & Finishing with Loba Water Base

This new house under construction in the Brisbane suburb of Sherwood had new secret nailed Blackbutt flooring and Blackbutt stairs laid throughout the entire house. Blackbutt flooring is a blonde colored hardwood and a popular choice as it has a lighter tone of color. However, when the blonde colored hardwood is finished with a polyurethane

Floor Finishing with Satin Polyurethane Finish

There was a time when customer expectation was that a polished timber floor must be glossy, and the glossier the better. Now, however, the lower sheen satin timber floor Polyurethane finishes are very popular. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly it can be argued that the satin timber floor finishes are more forgiving. Any

Floor Sanding and Staining with feast Watson Black

Last year Budget Floor Sanding Brisbane sanded and polished the old timber floors at the White Chapel Kalbar wedding venue and their Black Hall Reception Centre in rural Historic Kalbar in the Scenic Rim. A year later the owners of White Chapel have added two residences to act as wedding accommodation for the quests or

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